Poverty Reading List

Out of Poverty book review

RECOMMENDED READING Out of Poverty: What works when traditional approaches fail by Paul Polak Polak, a psychiatrist by training, shifted his full-time efforts to working on poverty over 25 years ago.  He founded International Development Enterprise to focus on helping small, developing country farmers earn more income.  IDE has already helped millions of very small… Continue reading Out of Poverty book review


Microcredit helps the entrepreneurial poor

The Economist published an article called, A partial marvel, last month which summarizes the results of various research which evaluates the value of microcredit in helping the poor.  The Net:  Not everything (as expected) is rosy. Here are a few highlights: Funds still subsidized. 53% of the $11.7B committed to microfinance industry came at rates… Continue reading Microcredit helps the entrepreneurial poor

Poverty Reading List

In Defense of Globalization book review

In Defense of Globalization by Jagdish Bhagwati Jagdish Bhagwati, an economist specializing in international trade and a professor at Columbia University, has written a very indepth book arguing that economic globalization overall has (and is having) a tremendous positive impact on the poor. He looks closely at the many critiques and perceptions of globalization and… Continue reading In Defense of Globalization book review