About This Blog

Dave headshotI write this blog because I don’t think that people are destined to live in poverty. I believe that everyone has the right to have the opportunity to live in dignity. I am most interested in ideas, shop activities and approaches which result in sustainably lifting people out of poverty. I’m interested in practical solutions which are highly scalable … that is, once refined and proven can be economically rolled out to help millions if not 10’s or 100’s of million people.

I continue to learn. But learning about ideas, experiments, successes/failures of this nature is very difficult and time-consuming. There is a lot of spin and PR which hides the facts … the “whole truth” as I’ve come to call it. I continue to be frustrated by the lack of transparency and accountability in the so-called “international development” government and NGO sector. So much energy is focused on inputs (e.g. we fed 100 people) and very little on results (e.g. 50 people cross the poverty line and are still there after 5 years.) I’m finding that so much of the interesting high-potential break-throughs are coming from smaller socially-driven organizations (both for-profit and non-profit) which are cash-strapped, but entrepreneurial-minded.

So, I write this blog to share what I’m learning so that you can benefit. And, my hope is that you will challenge my assumptions and conclusions and help me get smarter and become more effective. (BTW, that’s what “add comments” feature is for 😉

How did I get here? Read about my journey.

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